2024-25 Teacher Grant Application Process is now live!
Investing in Carbondale’s Tomorrow, Today.
Our Mission.
To raise funds in support of Carbondale public schools for the betterment of our community.
Our Vision.
Our vision is a Carbondale committed to academic excellence, innovation, and inclusivity. Together, we are shaping a brighter future by investing in the foundation of K-12 education and nurturing the leaders of tomorrow.
Get Involved.
We are a volunteer-led non-profit that relies on the passion and dedication of our community to affect change.
Better Public Schools = A Better Carbondale
Our public schools are more than just places where children learn; they are the bedrock of our society and have the potential to be one of the most influential factors in a community’s well-being and future. The true benefits of education are resounding and enduring when the entire community comes together to support the cause.
The Carbondale Education Foundation was founded on this conviction. We aim to improve the incredible things that are already happening in our schools and give our educators as much assistance as we can. Ultimately, the entire community is responsible for education. Please join us in our efforts to support our schools, teachers, and families for the well-being of our children and so much more.
A Special Thanks To Our Corporate Patrons
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“Public education is our greatest pathway to opportunity in America.”
Michelle Obama
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“A child without education is like a bird without wings.”
Tibetan Proverb